Cover Reveal! The Witch and the Wildwood

It’s here! Welcome to the wildwood, where magic hides in ancient roots.  Now Available to Pre-Order!

Those who pre-order direct from will receive a collection of curated delights as thanks. Here’s what you need to know:

Everyone who pre-orders will receive exclusive content in September. But our Early Birds: All those who pre-order before July 9th will snag two additional lovingly crafted e-gifts to kickstart your adventure into wild magic!

  • A guided meditation delving into “The Wildwood Within”

  • An ebook Wildwood Reflections, featuring writing prompts and inspirational words.

And as usual, all pre-orders will be signed by the author and come with an exclusive bookmark!

Giving Back to Chicago

Chicago is a beautiful bustling city, one I very much enjoyed visiting one very hot summer many moons ago. I am honoured to have been offered, in a very small way, a chance to give something back to the city, specifically women of the city, and further out into other states in America. I received a request via my publishers to donate some of my books to Chicago Books to Women in Prison.

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Moon Charts

There are apps for the cycles of the moon, and many diaries and calendars mention the moon phases as well. But to get you started here are some moon charts including the Full Moons of 2021 and the New Moons and their zodiac signs. (Each moon phase lasts a little over 2 days, so you may well see slight variations on these dates)

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