Welcome to the wildwood, where magic hides in ancient roots.
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Get out into the Wildwoods yourself! Here are some ideas for places of magic in the UK (I am travelling to many of these places myself and documenting the journeys in my Podcast: Witch Country)
New Forest, Hampshire - Home to Gerald Gardners’ Wiccan coven and the home of Sybil Leek in the 1950's in the village of Burley
Pendle Hill and Forest, Lancashire - Home to the Pendle Witches and one of the most notorious of all the Witch trials in England.
Lydford Gorge, Devon - Home to the Whitelady Waterfall and Devils Cauldron
Wychwood Forest, Oxfordshire - The Wych name is actually the name of the Anglo-Saxon tribe of the area. But there is still history and enchantment here; the protected royal forest contains a long barrow dating to the Neolithic period and a Roman Villa.
Shute’s Lane and Hell Lane, Dorset - Hell Lane is a Holloway - an ancient way worn deep into the earth by the centuries’ passage of boot, hoof, and cartwheel. Over many journeys faces and patterns have been carved into the soft earth around the tracks.
Two wild women and their birds - Simona Kossack & Korasek and Sybil Leek & Mr. Hotfoot Jackson
Hans Baldung, The Witches, c. 1510, woodcut.
Female figures gathered around a table from the witchcraft treatise 'De Lamiis et Pythonicis Mulieribus' (1489) by German scholar Ulrich Molitor.