Simple Letting Go

In the last 48 hrs more than one person has reached out to me about spells and rituals to let go and to ground. I am also feeling incredibly ungrounded myself. I don’t think its coincidence that the dear ones who have reached out to me are empaths like me, It’s obviously something we are connecting to - a disconnection, and uncertainty, manifesting in many forms right now.

They asked me for a spell or ritual and I find myself just absolutely unable to come up up with anything fancy, or barely even a ritual at all - which makes sense too. We empaths just don’t have the energy right now!

But, here are some simple little things you can do, that I wholeheartedly recommend:

Morning Pages - Goddess bless saint Julia Cameron - she gifted us the simple beautiful magic of morning pages! they are exactly what they sound like. Each morning sit yourself up in bed, or wrap up in something cosy and head to a table with a hot drink. And with a paper and pen - fill 3 sides of paper with words; 3 pages, no more, no less. ‘stream of consciousness’ style. And that’s it, you can throw the paper away or file it away, it’s not meant to be read, or done anything with. You can write about whatever's on your mind: worries, plans, angry tirades. The pages must be done first thing ‘Brain-sweep’ complete, it's time to get on with the day. Morning Pages are powerful; at calming anxieties, producing insights and resolving dilemmas. After all, the psychological benefits of externalising thoughts via journalling are well-established. And that bleary-eyed morning time has been shown to be associated with more creative thinking: with the brain's inhibitory processes still weak, "A-ha!" moments come more readily.

Burn - When I was training to be a Priestess of the Goddess one thing we had to do every morning for a year was great the goddess each morning. I, wanting simplicity lit a candle, each morning I took a few breaths and watched it burn, blew it out and got on with my day. You may want to imagine any anxieties burning in the candle flame, or go in with no expectation at all. Just start the day with a little spark. and then head on to the next thing.

Meditate - You guys know I love the Insight timer app. And there are some gorgeous teachers on there, and I wanted to share a few of my beautiful friends and kindred spirits - who just nailed it with these meditations; just what I need right now!