Ideas for Lockdown

Here are just a few thoughts while the news is fresh on our minds…..

  • Use your time outside to exercise Every Day- walk, jog, wander, utilise this precious time! but also use time inside too - you can do yoga, meditation, home workouts. Take as much time as you can for your own wellness and wellbeing.

  • Work on alternative income streams/passive income - this has saved me at this time of gym closures, and I know many other people are struggling too. There are so many ways to earn extra income online:

    • Create online coaching sessions, courses, and classes

    • Sell your artwork and gorgeous creations.

    • Create and/or contribute to an app.

    • Write a book/EBook.

    • Write articles for a magazine.

  • Trim your to-do list; I have found that in the last week I am busier than ever, as well as tidying and cleaning the house more than usual.

    So trim your to do list, don’t set yourself up to achieve everything in the next 3 weeks. With the added stress of events, I find I am not working at full brain capacity, and I’m ok with accepting that, and just getting through each day as best I can.

Stay safe and well everyone

Namaste x