New Moon at Lockdown

Tonight is the new moon; a chance to rest and retreat. Perfect perhaps that our first official day of Lockdown in the UK is today. I hope you can find comfort under the dark skies tonight. Here is an exclusive extract from my book Yoga for Witches, about the New Moon and magic you can do in your home this night!

New Moon

The night sky is at its darkest at the new moon. For around three days during each lunar cycle, after the moon has waned, just a ghost of an outline can be seen in the sky. New moons are new beginnings, a fresh start. The new moon is a beautiful time to set goals and intentions for the forthcoming cycle, and reflect on what you hope to achieve. What do you want the coming month to look like? Is there a joyless job that you're finally ready to leave to make room for the career of your dreams? The new moon is a time to encourage beginnings and let go of the past. A time to turn inwards and replenish, a perfect time for yoga nidra, meditation and journaling.

The dark skies of the new moon can be the best phase for rest and reflection; you may not want to actively practice any magic or yoga, and that's okay. This can be a chance to give yourself a  break, to turn inwards and replenish. Meditation and reflection can be useful, though, as you explore questions, emotions or concerns that require time for you to process. Plant seeds of intentions and watch them grow as the moon grows brighter in the sky through the month.


Magical moon practices for harnessing new moon energy include:

●      Cleansing and purifying they body and mind (See the New Moon Bath Ritual below).

●      Simple magic related to inner harmony and peace – like drinking chamomile tea.

●      Mindfulness and meditation.

●      Getting in touch with your inner self, reaffirming personal and spiritual goals – you may want to journal, free write, paint, collage your goals – whatever works to help you connect.


New Moon Bath Ritual

I love bringing a little magic and ritual to activities already in my schedule. Spells can be intricate and elaborate, but they don't have to be. They can be as simple and delightful as enjoying a cleansing bath on a new moon. 

I am particularly fond of a little bath magic. After all, why not make use of the giant cauldron we have in our bathrooms! Run yourself a hot bath and pour in some cleansing salts such as Epsom salts or Himalayan pink salt. Add some dried chamomile or passionflower to the bath to help soothe and calm, perhaps some rose petals to add love and release anger. You can buy both in bulk online, tie them in a muslin bag if you wish or let them float around the tub!

Light a candle if you wish. You can channel simple candle magic with a white candle for cleansing or blue for contemplation. As you relax in the bath, visualise the past soaking off you: hurts, bad habits and grudges, anything you want to let go of. If it helps you can write down, focusing the energy and feelings you have as you write. You can write something like "I release self-doubt" or "I am done with hating my body". When you eventually get out, all these things can go down the drain (the notes can be burnt or thrown away with intention).

This is a lil’ snippet from my new book Yoga for Witches, now available from all good bookstores!

Stay safe and well everyone

Namaste x