Kitting Out Your Lovely Lockdown Home Yoga Studio!

I’ve said many times that you don’t NEED any kit to practice yoga at home, just a little space upon a floor.

However - if you should WANT to create your space, and there can be a lovely sense of order in creating and claiming your special sanctuary space.

These are what I personally recommend. I’ve used amazon links as they are still running and delivering!

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Sun Goddesses

Many solar deities are depicted as male, as it is common to represent the power of the moon with the divine feminine, and the energy of the sun with the divine masculine. However, the sun can be a feminine force, and there are some awesome solar goddesses lighting up the sky…

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Simple celebration and rituals are a way to bring awareness and gratitude to the seasons of the year. And Lughnasadh/Lammas if a fine celebration of all things bright and abundant!

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